We offer a variety of services from automotive, lifestyle and blog consulting, business strategy to event management through our umbrella company, Teia Collier Media. Should you need to reach out for those services, you can contact Teia at
Editorial Guidelines is committed to reaching parents and other interested parties where they are with stories that make sense and make a difference. We pride ourselves on sharing practical stories, interesting tidbits and trusted advice. We join forces with some of the leading voices in the field, industry experts, analysts and blend that with diverse voices that live and breathe this work so that you have a trustworthy and reliable information hub to access. We also work with PR teams and selected advertisers to enhance your experience and to support the running of this blog, company and our teams.
Our stories are written by an experienced team of contributing editors or freelance journalists that uphold the standard of creating content that is relevant, honest, inclusive, respectful and savvy. If you have a comment, idea, need a press kit or note something that needs to be changed or a fact that needs to be double-checked, please let us know at